Ween: Baby Bitch
guitar tab
#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
From: Daniel Steinbock
Baby Bitch by WeeN
from Chocolate & Cheese
Baby Bitch is a nice little tune about a poh lil boy an gurl
F#m A E B C#
-2--- -0- -0- --- ----
-2--- -2- -0- -4- -6--
-3--- -2- -1- -4- -6--
-4--- -2- -2- -4- -6--
-4--- -0- -2- -2- -4--
-2--- --- -0- --- ----
F#m A E B
It's been a while since I've seen you smile
C# A E
But now you've come back again
F#m A E B
Came into the room and you saw my girl
C# A E
And you asked her how long it's been
C# E B
"A year" she said and you shook your head
C# A E
Said "I'm surprised it's gone on that long"
C# E B
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
C# A E
For words I am at a loss
C# E B
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
C# A E
I'm better now please fuck off
F#m A E B
What else you gonna say while you're back on your stay
C# A E
Maybe something, maybe nothing, we'll see
F#m A E B
It's just too bad, you're beautiful I guess
C# A E
I wasn't for you and you weren't for me
C# E B
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
C# A E
Please slip back into yourself
C# E B
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
C# A E
Go conquer someone else
F#m A E B
People say, "How beautiful, how sweet, how kind"
C# A E
You're perfect, you've got nothing to hide
F#m A E B
But I, for one, have seen the sun
C# A E
And the bitch that you've locked up inside
C# E B
Got fat, got angry, started hating myself
C# A E
Wrote "Birthday Boy" for you babe
F#m A E B
Now I'm skinny and sick and paranoid
C# A E
Without a cent to my name
C# E B
Baby, Baby, Baby Bitch
C# A E
Fuck you, you stinkin' ass ho
F#m A
Most beauty I've seen
You come from a dream
C# A E
But I can't close my eyes anymore
C# A E
No, I can't close my eyes anymore
-May B00GNiSH have his way with you-
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