Uncle Tupelo: There Was A Time
guitar tab
#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
Looking for a Way Out/There was a Time
Sauget Wind EP
Uncle Tupelo
By: Jay Farrar and Jeff Tweedy
Marcus Winfree
These chords are for the earlier version of the song, when it was called
"There was a Time"- this is how it sounds on the b-side of Sauget Wind.
D G/D Bm G Bm A G D G/D
D Bm
When you find you can somehow
Make it like all the rest
Bm A
You won't need to scrounge around for someone else
Torn between the unknown
And the place you call home
F#m A
And the life you want but have never known
There was a time
G/D Bm
You could put it out of your mind
G Bm
And leave it all behind
There was a time
And that time is gone
What has life for 50 years
In this town done for you
Except to earn your name and place on a barstool
You spend your whole life in this county
You've never been out of state
You say you're going to make it out before it's too late
There was a time
You could put it out of your mind
And leave it all behind
There was a time
And that time is gone
D D/G Bm
There was a time when nothing seemed to make much sense
G Bm
Now that's turned more intense
And all the grudges you've kept around
Now are nowhere to be found
(Hammer on the 6th string, 2nd fret - then hammer 5th string, second fret,
then play the E note, 4th string, second fret, then play D chord)
Remember when you didn't have
To look ahead or behind you
There was always something right there to do
But now it's locked (maybe "life"- I dunno) in some kind of trap
Looking for a way out
We keep moving on that's what it's all about
There was a time
You could put it out of your mind
And leave it all behind
There was a time
And that time is gone
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