#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
Go Mental by The Ramones
For the beginning part:
by measure:
G| F| Bb|C
IŐm going mental; IŐm going mental, etc...
Repeat that while Joey sings the verse.
Now, in between verses, Joey will sometimes sing
Mennnnnn-tall, Mennnnnn-tall
On the part where he goes Mennnnnn, the chord you want is an A. On the part where he goes -tall, you want to play a Bb.
Of course these are all power chords (root, fifth, and octave)
And thatŐs it. Any problems or other Ramones songs which you have, as well as Tool, Primus, Mudhoney, Dead Kennedys, Black Sabbath (w/Ozzy), Ozzy, Helmet, Prong, etc...E-mail them to me. No wait, donŐt e-mail me your problems, e-mail me the tabs you have from those bands!
Also, if you know any attractive women who are less than five feet, four inches tall, tell them to E-mail me especially if they are also orientals because I think short women are sexy as hell!! IŐm outta here!
This song was transcribed during a fit of boredom at 4:00 PM on Monday, January 16, 1995.
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