Duser Guy Van: Stars And Stripes Forever
guitar tab
From gbowerma@acs.ucalgary.ca Mon Jul 4 16:17:11 EDT 1994
Article: 20317 of rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature
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From: gbowerma@acs.ucalgary.ca (Geoffrey Bowerman)
Subject: TAB: Stars and Stripes Forever : Guy van Duser
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 1994 02:04:36 GMT
Organization: The University of Calgary, Alberta
Keywords: Happy Birthday
Lines: 72
Well, I finally got around to typing this up, and just in
time for your Fourth of July. So I guess that makes it
a birthday present. Thanks for Velcro, Stratocasters,
and Dennis Miller, you imperialist dogs ;)
Warning - this is tough. And it's the easy part. Guy
Van Duser does the whole thing on "American Fingerstyle
Guitar", Rounder Records.
"The Stars and Stripes Forever" (excerpt)
Guy Van Duser : arrangement,
John Philip Sousa : Composer
This is the main melody - the bit children learn as
"Be kind to your web-footed friends, for a duck may
be somebody's mother"
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