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Dr Hook: Cover Of The Rolling Stone
guitar tab

          #----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
Subject: /d/dr_hook/
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 95 16:55:08 MESZ

{title:Cover of the Rolling Stone}
{st: Dr. Hook}
# {columns: 2}

[A]Well we are big rock singers  
we've got golden fingers
and we're loved everywhere we [E]go,                
we sing about beauty and we sing about thruth    
[E7]at ten thousand dollars a [A]show;                  
we take all kind of pills
to give us all kind of thrills,                  
but the thrill we've never [D]known,                
is the [E]thrill that'll get you                   
when you get your picture
on the cover of the Rolling [A]Stone                

{c: CHORUS:}

    [A]Rolling [E]Stone -
    wanna see my picture on the cover 
    [A]wanna buy five copies for my mother
    [E]wanna see my smilin' face 
    on the [D]cover of the Rolling [A]Stone                 

[A]I've got a freaky lady
name o' Cocaine Katy
who embroiders on my [E]jeans,
I've got my poor old gray-haired Daddy,
[E7]drivin' my limou[A]sine
Now it's all designed
to blow our minds
but our minds won't really be [D]blown,
like the [E]blow that'll get you
when you get your picture
on the cover of the Rolling [A]Stone


[A]We got a lot of
little blue-eyed, teenage groupies
who do anything we [E]say,
we got a genuine Indian guru,
who's [E7]teachin' us a better [A]way,
we got all the friends
that money can buy,
so we never have to be a[D]lone,
and we [E]keep gettin' richer
but we can't get our picture
on the cover of the Rolling [A]Stone

{c: 2 x CHORUS}


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