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Donovan: Widow With A Shawl
guitar tab

          #----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
From: (Dennis McClain-Furmanski)
Subject: CRD: Widow With A Shawl (Donovan)
Date: 8 Jul 1995 06:30:22 GMT
Widow With A Shawl
Words and Music by Donovan Leitch
{CRD file by Dennis McClain-Furmanski/}
Am                               G
Dear wind that shakes the barley free,
Am                               G   G/F#     Em
Blow home my true love's ship to me, fill her sails.
Am                      G
I a-weary wait upon the shore.
Am                          G
Forsake her not in times of storm,
Am                           G     G/F#     Em
protect her oaken beams from harm, fill her sails.
Am                      G
I a-weary wait upon the shore.
Am                   G
Whether he be in Africa
Am                    G  G/F#     Em
Or deep asleep in India, fill his dreams,
Am                      G
I a-weary wait upon the shore.
Am                             G
Dear snow white gulls upon the wing,
Am                     G    G/F#   Em
I, like you, are lamenting, for my love.
Am                      G
I a-weary wait upon the shore.
Am                   G
And in my chariot of sleep,
Am                         G     G/F# Em
I ride the vast and dreamy deep, deep sea.
Am                     G
I awake a-weary on the shore.
Am                         G
For seven years and seven days,
Am                         G     G/F# Em
no man has seen my woman's ways, dear God.
Am                         G
I a-weary cry upon the shore.
Am                        G
Along the shingle beach I go,
Am                     G   G/F# Em
the wind about me as I make my way,
Am                        G
to my weary dream upon my bed.
Am                               G
Dear wind that shakes the barley free,
Am                               G   G/F#     Em
Blow home my true love's ship to me, fill her sails.
Am                      G
I a-weary wait upon the shore.
Am                      G
I a-weary wait upon the shore.

--                                       The Doctor is on.

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