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Amy Macdonald: This is the life
guitar tab

          Amy Macdonald - This is the life

Without Capo.

Intro : [C#m  A, E , G#m]
Oh the wind whistles down
The cold dark street tonight 
                    [E]                                         [G#m]
And the people they were dancing to the music vibe 
And the boys chase the girls with the curls in their hair 
While the shy tormented youth sit way over there 
And the songs they get louder 
Each one better than before 


And you're singing the songs 
Thinking this is the life 
And you wake up in the morning and you're head feels twice the size 
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go? 
Where you gonna sleep tonight? 

So you're heading down the road in your taxi for four 
And you're waiting outside Jimmy's front door 
But nobody's in and nobody's home 'til four 
So you're sitting there with nothing to do 
Talking about Robert Riger and his motley crew 
And where you're gonna go and where you're gonna sleep tonight 

solo :


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